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Can I Get A New Smile Even If My Teeth Are A Mess Baton Rouge, LA

If I have neglected my teeth, will I be able to get them completely healthy again?

If you’ve been neglecting your teeth for many years, there’s a good chance that you have already done some damage that is irreversible. If you have developed gum disease, then you may have lost some bone support which will not grow back once the mouth returns to a healthy state. Gum recession follows bone loss and can remain evident unless you are a candidate for gum and bone grafting treatments. The good news is you can stop bone loss and gum disease by taking really good care of your teeth. Simply put, you may not be able to get back to your original state with your teeth but you can prevent further damage.

If you have teeth that are broken or have decayed, you most often can restore them back to proper function and aesthetics. Teeth that are beyond repair many times can be replaced with dental implants or bridgework in order to regain the chewing surfaces of your teeth and enhance your smile.

Many times people come into our office and their teeth are in a total mess. They feel embarrassed by the condition of their teeth and many times they just quit smiling and interacting with other people. Often times, they feel hopeless about regaining a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth.

When we have patients that come into our office that have this condition, we often spend time with them talking about smile reconstruction. Smile reconstruction is using a variety of treatment options to help them get their teeth and mouth healthy again. Sometimes this includes using dental veneers, porcelain crowns or dental implants to achieve the smile they want.

What Is The Process For Smile Reconstruction?

The process for reconstructing your smile first begins with a thorough examination and consultation with the doctor in order to map out a plan to restore your smile. This will also include diagnostic imaging that will help us in developing that plan to restore your smile.

When restoring your smile, your comfort is of the utmost importance to us. That’s why we offer sedation services in our office in order to provide you with the first-class comfort and care through the process of restoring your teeth.

If you feel like your teeth are beyond repair or you’re just embarrassed to smile and give our office a call today. We would love to sit down with you and have a consultation about your particular condition and what we can do to help you get a beautiful and natural looking smile that you can be proud of.

Posted on behalf of Juban Cowen Dental Care

8564 Jefferson Hwy, Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: (225) 399-4409


Mon & Wed 7:30AM - 4:00PM
Thu & Tue 7:30AM - 1:30PM
Fri 7:30AM - 12:30PM

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