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Saving Money with Your Dental Insurance Baton Rouge, LA

Saving Money with Your Dental Insurance

Two cheerful young women with perfect smiles having lunch outdoors.

Make sure you are not leaving money on the table by not making the most of your dental insurance. Too often, people are not aware of the savings they can experience by taking advantage of all their dental insurance benefits. When you know what your benefits are, you may be able to save hundreds of… Continue reading

Get That Mouthguard Checked

Two cheerful young women with perfect smiles.

Now that schools are back in session, if your child has a mouthguard for playing sports, this is a good time to make sure it is still serviceable. Your child’s mouth is changing as teeth come in and the jawbone grows. A mouthguard that fit well for last year’s sports may not fit well this… Continue reading

Mouth Trauma from Sports Injury

Three beautiful young women with perfect smiles.

With school back in session and kids participating in sports, the risk of tooth injury from sports is high. In fact, according to statistics, over 3 million teeth are knocked out (avulsed) each year. Dental injuries are highest with basketball and baseball due to the lack of facial protection. Other sports such as hockey, rugby… Continue reading

Extend Your Whitening Results

A happy young couple with a perfect smiles.

Whitening your teeth is one of the easiest procedures that you can do to instantly enhance your appearance. A beautifully white smile is something that everyone notices and most people desire to have for themselves. A bright white smile is an accessory that goes with everything! Millions of Americans visit the dentist each year to… Continue reading

Beverage Choices and Your Smile

A broadly smiling student girl wearing glasses carrying folders.

You make thousands of choices a day. What you eat, what you wear, whose texts you return, and whose you don’t – just to name a few. While some choices are more significant than others, certain choices you make every day will have a considerable impact on the health of your smile. It is easy… Continue reading

Vaping and Your Child’s Oral Health

A happy young couple with a perfect smiles.

Vaping is the act of inhaling vapor from an electric cigarette or vaporizer (commonly referred to as a vape pen, vape mod, or e-cigarette). In production since 2003, many people who wanted to quit smoking used e-cigarettes as a way to break the bad habit of smoking regular cigarettes. However, since 2014, using vape pens… Continue reading

Are Allergies Threatening Your Smile?

A happy young man with a perfect smile.

If you have been suffering from allergies this spring, we feel for you. Suffering through a constant stopped-up nose, postnasal drip, a sore throat, hoarseness, and itchy eyes can be miserable. With how long allergy season lasts here in Georgia, your misery may feel like it’s never going to end. Take heart! May is almost… Continue reading

Steps to Take for a Broken Tooth

A happy teenage girl with her mother taking selfie.

Proper oral hygiene should be a priority in your life. Requiring less than five minutes a day, you should be able to maintain a healthy smile. You only get one set of permanent teeth in your lifetime, so maintaining your oral health needs to be something you take an active role in. However, even the… Continue reading

Tooth Pain? Root Canal Therapy May be the Solution

A happy young couple with a perfect smiles.

Before you read the title of this blog post and move on, it is essential to understand why tooth pain occurs, and that root canal therapy is not a painful procedure! An infected tooth, or a tooth that has been damaged severely to the root, is one of the most painful things you may ever experience. If… Continue reading

How Water Benefits Your Smile

A happy middle-aged couple with a perfect smiles.

You’ve been told that water is an important part of your health, but do you really know why? This post will help you understand water’s importance to your overall health and how water directly benefits your smile. The human body is made up of 60% water. Every single bodily system depends on adequate hydrate to… Continue reading

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